Who are InPerspective?

The Training and development solutions company with over 19+ years experience in school governance; primary and secondary education; fostering & social care; pastoral and behaviour support and interventions.

Education LifeSkills

careers talks; money skills workshops; job ready skills including CV writing and updating, interview and presentation preparation.

GRITTY Governor

The School Governor Training & Intervention package 

Social Care

Expert training and professional development for foster carers, social workers and other social care professionals

We provide bespoke consultancy, tailored training and practical resources and toolkits to meet the needs, realities and ambitions of organisations like yours. 

What we do will be shaped together with you – whether that’s giving you an honest and expert assessment of your education/governance provision, establishing your fostering organisation’s new education advisory strategy, delivering in-house foster carer training or supporting you with the preparation for an impending Ofsted inspection, we ensure our solutions meet your exacting requirements.

Our Founder

Cleon Wilson is a highly sought after governance and education consultant and trainer. His experience spans the public, private and voluntary sectors.  An experienced educator and teacher, Cleon has worked in and supported school phases from nursery through to secondary education.

Through his company InPerspective Cleon has been delivering training specialising in school governance and leadership for over 19 years. He has delivered workshops, training programmes and CPD to thousands of professionals and young people. Cleon has worked with several London boroughs delivering a range of sessions including an introductory course for new governors, Taking the Chair, Being Ready for Ofsted and Understanding the SEF.

Cleon is a highly skilled and experienced Chair of Governors having served in various positions since 2004. He has sat on the governing boards of primary, secondary academy and nursery schools as a Parent, Staff, LA and Co-opted governor.

Ultimately, Cleon is relentless in his desire to stimulate brilliance within all the leaders and learners he trains and develops

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